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Storytelling: the basics

Method title: Storytelling

Short Description: Every so often at work we need to prepare a talk, a lecture, a pitch, a presentation or simply explain an idea. How can we make it interesting, exciting, catchy, attractive, distinct, memorable and feel good afterwards?!

Responsible Researcher(s): Dr Anna Trifilova (Exeter University), Matt Halkes & Veronica Conboy (NHS)

Collaboration Industrial Partner(s): Lufthansa Systems

The objective of the method development in the project: The method aims to develop a coherent innovation narrative linked to suitable boundary objects such as the Business Model Canvas, Lego Serious Play and other platforms. The desired outcomes are to explore and define innovation opportunities and the challenges in delivering solutions by using a narrative approach

Learn more about the storytelling

In this video Veronica Conboy, Othopaedic Surgeon of Torbay and South Devon Healthcare talks about the Storytelling in TACIT

Learn more about Storytelling - an overview from John Bessant

In this video John Bessant talks about the Storytelling in TACIT

Storytelling state of Knowledge

The attached document represents the stage of knowledge on Storytelling method in the beginning of a project.

Past workshop(s)

May 15, 2017

The first full pilot workshop of the method took place at the facilities of NHS Torbay Hospital in Torquay, UK. The delegates of project partner companies took place in this mutual learning experience. Based on the results of the workshop and the feedback on it the method will be developed further.


Bessant, J.; Lehman, C.; Mosleh, W.S.; Mosig, T.; Rabes, K.; Trifilova, A. (2016): Innovating innovation management teaching - The state of knowledge, working paper/report, I+VC2016, Linz, Austria

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Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: Jan. 2016 - Dec. 2018

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